Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Precious Got Bills to Pay

At some point when your job requires you to watch Lord of the Rings clips all day you will do this drawing.

Statistically, that's a fact.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Copyright Free Enormous Ape Swatting at Bi-Plane

This was a wheatpasting project I had planned for the outside of the ZEFR warehouse. Unfortunately it's been delayed by fears about what the landlord would think of such an outsized monkey, not to mention concerns about new (and really pretty insanely prohibitive) rules and restrictions regarding murals that's currently bumping around the city council. Anyway, I think it'll happen, but maybe not for  a while, so I'm just gonna put these up here.

These were just some mockups of the size it would be on the building, and from different perspectives.

This was a Yoda.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dinosnore 2: Terrordactyl

The name comes from a script I earnestly hope to someday submit to The Asylum production company, makers of the upcoming films Poltergabe, Exterminatables 2, and The Weird Life of Bobby the Magic Plant Boy Who Dies at the End

Dinosnore 2: Terrordactyl has been a difficult road,  but if I do not write roles for C. Thomas Howell, who will? 

Thursday, August 16, 2012


"He doesn't want to be fed, he wants to hunt! You can't just bypass millions of years of evolution..."

Rebel Without A Pause

Although this is for a specific project, it's such a minor part and we're so far away from completion, that, well, it just doesn't count. Also, I feel like I never put stuff up here, and dammit that needs to change. Probably.

I dunno if you can tell that the black is a dot matrix rather than straight black here.... Nor if it matters.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Skull GIF

I haven't figured out what to do with these yet, but I have some images from work than need bored rearranging. So, for the moment, crappy .gif.

Updated to reflect updating.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Moviegoers

These are just quick images I put together for a friend who's doing a podcast, not exactly my area of expertise, nothing special. In the works, however, is an enormously large project which is something special. Sooo... there's that.